Geometry with Kirby – VUCA

Geometry with Kirby – VUCA

Geometry with Kirby – VUCA

VUCA (latest curriculum writing)
integrating the concept of “risk” even mentioning “Chief Risk Officer” and VUCA, in this special curriculum:

Geometry with Kirby - VUCA 1

Look for this image:

Geometry with Kirby - VUCA 2

At the link above for the School of Tomorrow, you will see that image, and what comes below it is intense mathematics which is why they present it as a moving gif.

[alert style=”warning”]And you will find equations like this:
In [30]:
fig = plt.figure() # fresh and new
ax = plt.subplot(‘111’) # 1 row, 1 column, subplot 1
ax.plot(domain, result);[/alert]

And most of it makes good sense even if you do not read the math.
Here is an example:
[highlight]This text will be Connecting Calculus with Statistics
The high school calculus I went through was quite divorced from statistics. The statisticians refer to probability density functions, and associated cumulative density functions, where the latter is the integral of the former, but the high school delta calc teachers rarely did much in the other direction, to connect their textbooks with the ones used in statistics.[/highlight]

[highlight]The fracturing of disciplines into too many subdisciplines is what led Buckminster Fuller (critical to our School of Tomorrow curriculum) to sound the alarm in Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth wherein he circled “overspecialization” as a leading cause of species and/or cultural extinction.[/highlight]

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